6 tips for riding more this year

Getting more miles on the bike is often a big goal for cyclists each year. With apps like Strava allowing you to share just how far you've ridden every year, it's easy to think you should be doing more. While this isn't always true, if you do want to ride your bike more but are pressed for time, we've got some tips to help you get the miles in. 




1. Ride the turbo

Not only is this great for time-crunched cyclists, but you're likely to get more virtual miles in for the same amount of time you'd spend outside. It's also a great way to get some structured training in, as you don't have to worry about paying attention to your surroundings or stopping at traffic lights. Simply input your workout to your app of choice (like Zwift), and ride!


2. Cycle to work

Of course, this only applies if you don't work from home, but cycling to work can make you feel fresher when you start your work day, and is a super easy way to rack up the miles. If you've got a challenging commute, consider trialing an e-bike to make the ride go by quicker and with less effort. 



3. Ditch the car for short journeys

This won't be able to work for everyone, but think about how many times you've nipped to the shops that are only a mile or two away in the car. Instead of driving (or walking), why not ride there? Take a rucksack and make sure your bike is securely locked outside, but it's an easy way to increase your bike miles without much thought.


4. Ride with friends

Riding in a group is easier and often faster than riding alone, so you're likely to be able to ride further, too. Find a cycling club to join or get out there with your friends. Whether it's following them on the trails where you can learn better lines, or riding in a group on the road, make your miles fun and you'll see them rack up in no time.



5. Sign up for an event

This is great for those who struggle for motivation to ride. If that's what is holding you back, then signing up to an event means you kind of have to get yourself on the bike if you want to be able to successfully complete it. It doesn't have to be anything overwhelming, but a sportive that's just out of your reach at the moment can mean you'll train hard to get to that finish line and ride the miles.


6. Reward yourself

You're putting in the work, so why not reward yourself? For every 100 miles ridden you could add some cash to a pot to save for later, for things like bike upgrades or new kit. It's a simple but easy way to motivate yourself to ride more, just make sure the reward is good enough to make you want to get out there!



Make sure you're riding comfortably when you start increasing the miles on the bike. Whether it's commuting, nipping to the shops or riding a century, we've got a specifically curated line of cycling skincare to make sure your skin doesn't suffer from the elements. Discover the full range here

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